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SERA Conference 2024


Event Information

Dates of Event
27th November 2024 – 29th November 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
20th November 2024


The SERA Annual conference is an important event for the educational research community in Scotland. The three-day conference, to be held at University of Dundee, Dalhousie Building, takes place on Wednesday 27th November to Friday 29th November. Our conference invites researchers and practitioners working in Scottish and international research contexts to share their insights under the theme of Education in a Fragile World: past, present, future.  Contributions discussing new research possibilities, new forms of contexts for learning, and new types of collaboration among academics and practitioners are welcomed.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1. SERA Member 3 days£315.00[Read More]
2. SERA Non Member 3 Days£365.00[Read More]
3. Full Conference Student£180.00[Read More]
4. Day Rate Member - £110£0.00[Read More]
5. Day Rate Non Member - £130£0.00[Read More]
6. Day Rate Student - £60£0.00[Read More]
7. Poster Presenter - ONLY for those with accepted poster presentations£25.00[Read More]
8. Conference Dinner Only£47.00[Read More]