Detailed Description
Causeway / Cabhsair: A Magazine of Irish and Scottish Writing, Volume 1.1 (2010), Aberdeen: Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, pp74+vi, ISSN-2044-2688
Causeway/Cabhsair publishes new writing by Irish and Scottish writers in all the languages of both countries. We seek to publish both new and established writers, and each issue contains a section reviewing new publications.
Maggie Rabatski
‘Haymaking At Rodel, 1963’
There Will Come The Night’
Olivia McMahon
‘The Woman in the House by he Pier’
Gregor Addison
‘An dàrna bràthair’
Sheila Templeton
‘Love and Kisses, Daddy’
Niall O’Gallagher
‘Ceithir Sonaidean (bho leabhar ach eil deiseil)’
Lesley Dickson
Patrick Crotty – translations from The Penguin Book of Irish Verse
‘Praise of a Dagger’
Niall Gòrdan
‘Níl neamh faoin ngréin’
Helen Lynch
‘Last Bus From The Baker’s Arms’
Paul Muldoon
‘The Fish Ladder’
Mark Spencer-Turner
‘Às Dèidh Daibhidh’
Alan Spence
‘What Happens’
Georgia Brooker
Jen Cooper
Donal McLaughlin
‘a recent death’
Gerald Dawe
J. Derrick McClure – translations of APC
Hou dae ye say "Colonialism"?’
Tom Pow
‘Alberto At His Death’
James Kelman
‘O Henry in San Antonio’
Photographs from the George Washington Wilson Archive
Des Scholes
‘Air an trèana le taibhse annasach’
Moray Watson
‘Two Highlights of Recent Gaelic Fiction’
K. J. Keir
‘Achieving a Normal Skin by an Effort of Will’