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Editorial ivAnthony WadeWaking the Traveller 1Craig LamontWhirled 2Amy RaffertyA Glaswegian’s First Trip to the Beach 10The Hat Maker’s Son 12Vicki HusbandOrmaig 13Mark SaundersThe Sound of Water 14Jim CarruthOld Boots 18The Course of Locher Water 20Migration 21Aeolian Harp 22Adam KealleyConfinement 23Brian Holton (trans)From Hairst Winds an Hard Roads (intro) 32Gaun ti See the Broch Hill ... 33Liftin a Gless ti Speir at the Mune 34Drinkin wi a Hermit in the Hills 36Nicht 1 37Nicht 2 38The Ballad o Tigertooth Hill 39Donny O’RourkeAdapted for the Screen 42Gerry Looseafter ogham 43moon 44today 45the plague 46Ngan NguyenThe Red Berry Tree 48Allan CameronI Will Go Quietly Into the Night 53Who’s in Charge? 54In Praise of Old Age (so far!) 56Nailini PaulEdgingly 57Midwinter 58Gráinne DalyWild Atlantic Way 60Michael DukeThe Safe House (extract) 65Phyllis McGowanDalhousie Street 76In Synch 79Maxine Rose MunroA Caald Haert 80Denial Laevin 81Waitin 82Melissa FaganAchiltibuie un(re)visited 84Gerda StevensonThe Orkney Hood 93Traces 94Contributors