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Causeway / Cabhsair, Volume 12.1

cover volume 12.1 image of leaves



Causeway / Cabhsair: A Magazine of Irish and Scottish Writing Volume Twelve, Issue One (2022)


Detailed Description

Causeway / Cabhsair: A Magazine of Irish and Scottish Writing, Volume 12.1 (2022), Aberdeen: AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, pp84+viii, ISSN-2044-2688

Causeway/Cabhsair publishes new writing by Irish and Scottish writers in all the languages of both countries. We seek to publish both new and established writers, and each issue contains a section reviewing new publications.



Jo Gilbert Yon                        Hairy Stick

Lorna Callery                         Sitole Woman of Colour

Steven Kennett                      Chrysalis

Cassie Smith                         Christmas Virginia Place

Alicia Byrne Keane                 Appraise

Donald Goodbrand Saunders  A Glass Darkly

Darryl Peers                         James

Mandy Macdonald                 shocking pink in autumn

Alun Robert                          Off to See Ivor Cutler

Judith Taylor                         Harvest Moon

                                           A Visitor to Braemar

Cormac Culkeen                   The Day that Hope was Restored

Kathrine Sowerby                 As If Lost

                                          I Wait for a Lift to the City

Christopher Craig                 Goat Cheese, Pastis and Dog

Calum L MacLeòid                 A’ chraobh


Peter Clive                           Feral

Linda Smith                         Mill O Tifty’s Annie

Nicholas McGaughey             Horse Fair

Libertad Ansola Palazuelos    His Mother, the Dog and the Bike

Chris Tait                            Burns ir Baptism O Fire

                                         Mermaid’s Mug Shots

Samuel Tongue                   A Lesson in Submarine Safety at the Naval Museum

Marcas Mac a Tuairneir        An Taigh Gorm


Kevin MacNeil                    Haiku

                                       An dèidh Santōka Taneda

Paul Brownsey                  Play Up and Play the Game

Jennifer Henderson           The Hamerbeam Roof at Darnaway Castle, Moray


Dorothy Lawrenson           Hansel

                                      The Muckle Shockle

Carmen Leigh Keates        We Have Come to an Island

Skye Loneragan               Zoom-broom

Ingrid Leonard                 End of Term

Sonya Macdonald             From the Forest Floor


Ashley Douglas                Luve for the Ages

MT Taylor                        Advent Hymn