Causeway / Cabhsair: A Magazine of Irish and Scottish Writing Volume Four, Issue Two (2013)
Detailed Description
Causeway / Cabhsair: A Magazine of Irish and Scottish Writing, Volume 4.2 (2013), Aberdeen: AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, pp74+vi, ISSN-2044-2688
Causeway/Cabhsair publishes new writing by Irish and Scottish writers in all the languages of both countries. We seek to publish both new and established writers, and each issue contains a section reviewing new publications.
Gregor Addison Strange
Black Strip Wood
Stewart Sanderson
Night Dress
Spaewife 6
James Claffey
His Life a Pitted Table
Liam Alastair
Crouse Gun dàinig mise on Choille Ghruamaich
Peter Branson
On the Old Bog Road
Stephen McKiernan
The Billabong Man
Stiofán Ó hIfearnáin
Siúlóid ag meánoíche chun mo lóistín
Graham Fulton
The Egg Bearer
John McAuliffe
Ebba Austen
White Feathers
Deborah Moffat
Carmichael in St Kilda
Gary Allen
Belfast Burning
John Reid Tullio’s
Maurice Riordan
binn guth duine i dTir in Oir
Two Old Irish Glosses
Vona Groarke
The Box
The Ghost on the Road
The Seascapes of Vilhelm Hammershøi
Jen Cooper
Review: Gerda Stevenson’s If This Were Real