Causeway / Cabhsair: A Magazine of Irish and Scottish Writing Volume Six, Issue One (2015)
Detailed Description
Causeway / Cabhsair: A Magazine of Irish and Scottish Writing, Volume 5.2 (2014), Aberdeen: AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, pp72+vi, ISSN-2044-2688
Causeway/Cabhsair publishes new writing by Irish and Scottish writers in all the languages of both countries. We seek to publish both new and established writers, and each issue contains a section reviewing new publications.
Kathleen Jamie
Michel Faber
The 13th
Gillian Clarke
Pippa Little
Headstone, Gortnabulliga
Burial Ground
The Wisewoman’s Chairs
Lighthouses of the West
Martin Cromie
Stones, Bones and DNA
Cairns Craig
My Grandfather’s Greenhouse
The Gardener’s Kalendar
Justin Quinn
The Morning
Three Goats
Carpenters in the Wind
Liz Lochhead
Email to Alastair
Derrick McClure
Broth an Clouds
Alan Spence
Extract from No Nothing
Atar Hadari
George Jacobs
Jon Plunkett
A Longing For Clean Bones
In The Blackhouse
Iain Banks
Xiaolu Guo
Waiting for the Second Renaissance