Causeway / Cabhsair: A Magazine of Irish and Scottish Writing Volume Seven, Issue One (2016)
Detailed Description
Causeway / Cabhsair: A Magazine of Irish and Scottish Writing, Volume 7.1 (2016), Aberdeen: Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, pp65+vi, ISSN-2044-2688
Causeway/Cabhsair publishes new writing in all the languages of Ireland and Scotland. The editors seek to publish both new and established writers, and each issue contains reviews of new publications.
Iain Maloney
Tierra del Fuego
Russell Jones
Olive M. Ritch
In Hiding
Dr. Doolittle at Dinner
Emily Kathryn Utter
Zucchini Blossoms
Linda Smith
Donald S. Murray
Herring in the History of Film
Frank Dullaghan
On Not Liking Pastoral Poems
Dermot O’Sullivan
Humpty Dumpty
Poor Roger
The Dream
Richie McCaffery
Alma Mater
Greg MacThòmais
Turas a Chladh Urrath, Machair Rois
Deborah Moffatt
The Anarchy Waltz
Jennifer Morag Henderson
Martin Malone
From The Unreturning
Sorley’s Bullet
Petra Vergunst
Lullaby for Catherine
Patrick Deeley
The Pull
Downpatrick Head
The Sailor, Home
Lisa NicDhòmhnaill
Dìomhaireachd nan Speuran
Laura Morgan
The Bridge
Beth McDonough
Corkscrew Hazel
That family who wished to be dolphins
Eclipse, 20th March 2015
Emma-Lee Davidson Review: Andrew McMillan’s Physical