Detailed Description
Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies, Volume 3.1 (2009) Exceptional Peoples? Irish & Scots on the Frontier, Aberdeen: AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, pp230+xii, ISSN-1753-2396
The Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies is the only journal devoted to scholarly work in the languages, history, literature and cultures of both countries.
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Scots and Imperial Frontiers
John M. MacKenzie
Imagining the Frontier: Environment, Memory and Settlement – Narratives from Victoria (Australia), 1850 – 1890
Lindsay Proudfoot and Dianne Hall
‘Green Scots and Golden Irish’: The Environmental Impact of Scottish and Irish Settlers in New Zealand – Some Preliminary Ruminations
Tom Brooking
Worlds Apart? The Scottish Forestry Tradition
and the Development of Forestry in India
Jan Oosthoek
The Irish, Scots and Scotch-Irish and Lessons from the Early American Frontier Patrick Griffin Evangelicalism, Enlightenment and ‘Race’ on the Frontiers of Mission: Scottish-Canadian Encounters with Chinese in Montreal
Rosalyn Trigger
Celticism, Catholicism and Colonialism:The Intellectual Frontiers of Thomas D’Arcy McGee
David A. Wilson
Irish and American Frontiers in the Novels of James McHenry
Stephen Dornan
The Sojourning Settler:Transatlantic Networks and Identities in the British-American Tobacco Trade, 1740-1841
M.H. Beals
A ‘Primitive Germ of Discord’ in the North Atlantic World: Newfoundland-Irish Roman Catholics in Scottish Cape Breton
Peter Ludlow
Exploiting Jurisdictions: Perceptions of Political Boundaries in Southwest Scotland and Ulster, 1688 – 1715
Kathleen Middleton
Free Movement of People? Responses to Emigration from Ireland, 1718 – 30
Patrick Walsh