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Journal of Scottish Thought, Volume 10




Journal of Scottish Thought, Volume 10.
Aesthetics, Nature and Religion: Ronald W. Hepburn and his Legacy.
Volume Ten(2018)
Endre Szécsényi (ed.)

Available Open Access - free to read and free to download from Aberdeen University Press. Link below.



Detailed Description

Journal of Scottish Thought, Volume 10 (2018) Aesthetics, Nature and Religion: Ronald W. Hepburn and his Legacy, Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, pp155+viii, ISSN-1755-9928

Available Open Access - free to read and free to download from Aberdeen University Press. 


Editorial Note v

Ronald W. Hepburn’s Agnosticism
Mary Warnock 1

Is the Sacred Older than the Gods?
Guy Bennett-Hunter 13

Religious Experience, Imagination and Interpretation: A Case Study
Peter Cheyne 26

The Voice of Cordelian Ethics: Imagination and the Loss of Religion
Michael McGhee 52

Aesthetic and Moral
James Kirwan 69

Aesthetic Experience, Metaphysics and Subjectivity: Ronald W. Hepburn and ‘Nature-Mysticism’
David E. Cooper 90

Constructing the Aesthetics of Nature
Cairns Craig 102

Ronald W. Hepburn on Wonder and the Education of Emotions and Subjectivity
James MacAllister 123

Wonder and the Everyday: Hepburnian Considerations and Beyond
Arto Haapala 139

Notes on contributors