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Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig, Volume 10

Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 10



Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig, Volume 10 (2021)
Cànan & Cultar / Language & Culture
Deasaichte le/ edited by Wilson MacLeod, Anja Gunderloch agus/and Rob Dunbar


Detailed Description

Clàr-innse / Contents

Clàr ghiorrachaidhean / Abbreviations v

Ro-ràdh / Introduction vi

Literature and beyond: the uses of postcolonial perspectives in Gaelic Studies 1
Silke Stroh

The church and the domains of Gaelic in early medieval Scotland 19
Thomas Owen Clancy

Alasdair mac Colla anns a’ Ghaeilge 47
Eoin Mac Cárthaigh

The SSPCK and Highland elites: cooperation and criticism, 1709–c. 1745 59
Jamie Kelly

The Dewar Project 73
Ronald Black

Anna NicFhearghais and the growth of allegorical exegesis in Gaelic
evangelical song 87
Anne Macleod Hill

The fabric of the land: exploring the significance of homespun tweed in the
life and work of Màiri Mhòr nan Òran 101
Priscilla Scott

Bàrdachd baile – ath-mheasadh 113
Iain Howieson

‘Cùmha Mhic an Tòisich’ – bun-stèidh dhan òran ‘Oh, ono chrio’ le
Ludwig van Beethoven? 119
Mìcheal Klevenhaus

Peter May: A personal discovery of an honorary Gael 137
Clive James

The cultural crossing from Gaelic to Irish 149
Gearóidín Uí Laighléis

Cleachdadh, eachdraidh agus freumhachd an fhacail nàile sa Ghàidhlig 167
Peadar Ó Muircheartaigh

The phonology of Gaelic tonal accent 185
Pavel Iosad

Supporting children with developmental language disorder in
Gaelic-medium primary education 205
Vicky Chondrogianni, Morna Butcher and Maria Garraffa

Briathrachas beatha nam ban 219
Ùisdean Cheape

Fishing, Gaelic and environment in the Outer Hebrides 231
Magnus Course and Gillebride MacMillan

Cultural heritage: archaeology, mythology, and tourism 237
Jean S. Forward

Language management initiatives and language use in public spaces 247
Ingeborg Birnie

Luchd-ionnsachaidh dualchasach: innleachdan agus iarrtasan gus fileantas 259
Michelle NicLeòid agus Marsaili NicLeòid

Pàipearan eile a chaidh a leughadh aig a’ cho-labhairt / 277
Other papers read at the conference