Detailed Description
Helen Lynch and Carley Williams (eds), The Aberdeen Collection: 250 Contemporary Scottish Tunes in Traditional Style, Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press (2018), pp169, ISBN 978-1-85752-067-5 (Coilbound version)
Aberdeen, as well as the wider North-East of Scotland, is home to a large number of recognised composers and recording artists of innovative, widely played and appreciated instrumental folk music and yet very little of this has been collected and published together.
The Aberdeen Collection is organised under headings such as strathspeys, marches, hornpipes, waltzes, airs, jigs and reels (ideal for use in teaching Scottish music genres), and notated for instruments from clarsachs to concertinas, fiddles to flutes and pipes to pianos. Whether you plan to forage for dance sets and performance material or learn something new for personal enjoyment, this collection is the perfect gift for you or any musician you know.
Available in paperback or coilbound editions.