Please see below the Terms and Conditions regarding allocation of work space. When collecting the key from the School of Language and Literature office, a copy of these T&Cs will require your signature.
Detailed Description
I have been allocated by the above School, a space in room for study purposes. I agree that I will use this accommodation for the purposes and on the conditions stated below. I also agree to return the keys to the College Office. I understand that I may be asked by the College to vacate the space at a date earlier and if asked to do so, agree to vacate the room at a minimum of a week’s notice.
1. I agree that if asked by the College to vacate the room I will do so at short notice.
2. I agree that I will not sub-let the space or pass it to any other student.
3. My allocation is for study purposes only, and I agree that I will not take part in any activities incompatible with normal academic room use. (For instance, loud noise which could disturb others must be avoided).
4. The use of any gas appliance is banned. Electrical equipment used must meet the standard defined in the University’s Code of Practice on Electrical Appliances. Anyone who needs advice should contact Mr. Atholl Murray in Estates.
5. For safety reasons the use of supplementary heaters is banned. Anyone whose room is too cold to work in should contact Mr. Atholl Murray in Estates.
6. Your School will inform you of the fire-drill applicable to the room allocated.
7. Eating or sleeping in office and teaching accommodation is contrary to building regulations. Rooms allocated for study are not to be used as living areas or for housing pets.
8. Most University teaching and office buildings are locked up at 5pm or 10pm (earlier at weekends and vacations). Postgraduates working in buildings after they have been locked up must ensure that all outer doors are re-locked as they enter or leave these buildings.
9. The University normally closes all its teaching and office buildings during the Christmas vacation, from Christmas Eve to the first working day after the New Year holiday. This is usually an economy measure, and on such occasions it is necessary to keep the buildings empty so as to minimise the need for safety and security cover.
10. Postgraduates are required to keep their doors locked when their rooms are unoccupied. Keys for rooms are allocated by your School.
11. You will be required to pay a deposit of £10 when your keys are issued and £10 will be refunded when keys are handed back. Keys must be returned in person to the College Office and in no circumstances sent by post.
12. The University undertakes normal cleaning services in all office accommodation, and reserves the right for its officers to enter rooms without notice at any time.
13. I agree to ensure that no copies of the keys are made and that I will not change the locks on the room allocated.